Rick & Bubba’s Guide to the Almost Nearly Perfect Marriage was not exactly what I expected but it did not disappoint. I expected wit and sarcasm – having heard the Rick and Bubba show on the radio a few times – and it is there in abundance. I expected the usual let-me-tell-you-about-my-crazy-wife anecdotes, and they delivered. What I did not expect was their willingness to show their deep abiding love for their wives – loving them despite of and because of their flaws secure in the knowledge that their wives love them just as deeply. Their book is part humor and part marriage counseling for the average marriage.
It is satisfying and reassuring to see similarities between my own life and that of complete strangers. When Rick says that moving leads to more marital strife than financial problems, I laughed out loud as I was instantly reminded of every time my husband and I have moved during our relationship – always grateful and surprised that neither of us committed murder during the process. Realizing that there are three sides to every story – his, hers, and the truth – lets me know that my perspective of a problem is not necessarily the right one. Not that I would ever admit that to my husband. And I now have a different perspective of a typical argument between myself and my husband – “playing the crazy card.” Simply put, this occurs when I remember the conversation, plan, whatever, differently than my husband, therefore, my husband must be crazy. Seeing it in that light makes me want to believe that I wasn’t being listened to, but only a little. Rick and Bubba give great insight into a husband’s point of view with a big dose of humor, sarcasm, honesty, and love. They might not help me attain an almost nearly perfect marriage, but I feel like I can step back a little bit and see the unintentional humor that exists in marriage and in life.