Sunday, July 26, 2009

What's He Really Thinking? by Paula Rinehart

Paula Rinehart’s What’s He Really Thinking? is an insightful look into the male psyche – especially as it relates to relationships. Men and women are hardwired differently, which means that we see every aspect of a relationship differently. Any woman in any relationship with a man – husband, brother, father, son, etc. – is already very aware of the vast differences between the sexes. Rinehart is able to explain those differences in ways that make perfect sense to women.

After reading Rinehart’s book, I find myself examining the way my husband and I interact with each other. By using the suggestions and insights that Paula gives throughout her book, I can change how I react to the men in my life – ultimately changing the way we react to each other. Women are programmed to think that men are incapable of communicating. Rinehart shows us that they communicate in their own way. If we can learn how they think and process information, men and woman can ultimately learn how to really talk to each other, and we can learn how to relate to one another. By understanding how men think and how they process information, she shows women that relationships can become stronger and ultimately better. After reading her book, I feel like I know my husband, and myself, a little bit better, and I can only hope that we will both benefit from this knowledge.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

It's Official!

I signed up to be a Book Review Blogger with Thomas Nelson, and my first book should arrive sometime next week...woohoo!!! I've noticed that I'm becoming more critical of the books I'm reading - including my son's board books...I haven't written a review yet, but I'm composing reviews in my head. I should probably get it out of my head and onto paper (or computer screen, as the case may be).

I'm going to request to review for Lisa Roe, Online Publicist. Hopefully, I'm not too inexperienced for what she needs. Everybody has to start somewhere, right?

Currently, I'm reading almost anything by Bernard Cornwell. I picked up LORDS OF THE NORTH from the library this morning - book 3 in his Saxon Tales series. I enjoy his style of writing. In this series, the story is told by Uhtred of Bebbanburg (or Uhtred Uhtredson OR Uhtred Ragnarson - whichever identity he needs to use at the moment), but it's told from his perspective as an older man, meaning he's able to give a little insight into his thought process and actions, and how the outcome of the moment may or may not impact the future greatly. And yet, he manages to do it without giving away what's going to happen next. He dislikes King Alfred for his arrogance, his religion, and because he's not a warrior; King Alfred dislikes Uhtred because he refuses to become Christian and for being so unlike anyone else he surrounds himself with. Yet they need each other and are inextricably linked if Alfred is to become more than just king of Wessex.

I'm looking at the Arthur series that he's's next on my list.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Scribbling Bookworm

So here it first blog. Not my first blog ever...just the first as "The Scribbling Bookworm!" To get the full affect, imagine a booming voiceover, a shining cape blowing majestically in the breeze, as I stand on a mountain of books...Not seeing it? Yeah, me neither.

I decided to start this blog as a way to become a book reviewer. Why a book reviewer? I love to read, want to write, and figure the two can go hand-in-hand. I am definitely a little rusty in the writing department, but it's a use-it-or-lose-it kind of ability. Hopefully, my skills will improve as this blog progresses. I will accept all constructive criticism and positive feedback.

Why in blog format? Because that's what my generation does? Seriously, it's because I came across the Thomas Nelson Book Review Blogger site and decided, even if I didn't join that group (although I probably will), it definitely made sense to have a blog. What if by some miracle I acquire more readers than just my mother and my husband? (I can't even include my children yet because the oldest is only 4 and the youngest is unborn at this point.) What if I decide to attempt a crossover from amatuer reviewer to professional? I should probably have some proof that I really can write - this is assuming of course that I have any amount of talent and people other than my mother and my husband agree.

Ultimately, this is my attempt to stop dreaming about writing and actually do something about it. I'd love to write a book, but since I haven't written a paragraph in a while, that's probably a big stretch at this point. I'll get there...eventually...but right now, I'm just happy to be "The Scribbling Bookworm" and all that it implies.